Marx - "A Monster of Ten Thousand Devils."


Pastor Ronald Stelzer

Our Savior Lutheran Church

Centereach, NY


The founders, leaders, and financial self-enrichers of Black Lives Matter, before they vanished with hundreds of millions of dollars unaccounted for, proudly said they were "trained Marxists." Indeed, Marxist is a label many academics and revolutionaries wear with pride. (It doesn't have the universal negative connotation that goes with, for example racist or fascist, though it certainly deserves it.)

          A Marxist is a follower of Karl Marx, the 19th Century German philosopher and social agitator who wrote the Communist Manifesto. Communism is Marxism in real time. The ideology is anti-God, anti-Christ, anti-Bible, anti-family, anti-private ownership, anti-traditional morality, anti-freedom — and pro-one world globalist tyranny. Wherever it has been forced on a population it has brought widespread poverty and misery, death and destruction, and flight. It has taken the lives if and estimated 100 million plus people through war, persecution and starvation. In our country it is introduced under the title socialism by those who want to impose it and control it, but not live under it.

          Researchers and biographers of Karl Marx claim that he was an overt Satanist. Marx’s early writings were replete wit odes to Satan. He became an ardent atheist in college, and thereafter lived an angry, depraved life, sexual and otherwise. His own family members and friends were convinced he was demonically possessed. His father said that he was “governed by a demon,” and his son Edgar called him “my dear devil.” Marx’s friend and collaborator, Frederich Engels, called Marx “a monster of ten thousand devils.” You may want to read Grove City College Professor Paul Kengor’s recently released book, The devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception and Infiltration.

          When you hear “Marxist,” or it’s several euphemistic labels, think “Satanist.” Marxists follow and employ Satanic temptations and deceptions, whether they realize the connection or not.